Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I haven't taken a picture in a long time. I lost my camera and the battery in my mom's camera is dead. I work too much. I'm tired.

There were some really idiotic people in the dining room tonight. More than just idiotic...they were extremely disrespectful and inappropriate. There were a set of two adult couples and 4 teenage-ish boys and a 6 year old girl (I only know that because it was her birthday tonight and I had to get the dining room to sing to her). They really made me feel thankful for having such great parents. No wonder kids these days are the way they are...their parents are complete dumb-asses. Seriously, who talks about sex/private parts/prostitutes/boob jobs....etc. and cusses in front of their kids. What a great example. Ugh...it makes me physically ill and sad for them. I hope there kids become druggies/pregnant/drop outs...it would be their punishment for scarring their children for life.

There are people in the world that are unable to have children who would be absolutely wonderful parents and then there are parents who completely abuse their privilege. I'm all about the sterilization of individuals who prove themselves unworthy of reproduction. That is all...

I'm tired.