Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Be Jealous

Yep, I don't post. Get over it. I'm really going to try to post more though, I promise.

The main reason why I don't post anymore is because nothing excited has happened in my life for months...seriously, maybe years. Okay, that's stretching it. I'd be lying if I said I try to make the most out of each day and that I live life to the fullest. That's a bunch of hog wash. I live each day like the day before. I wake up...usually late, get to work...without a moment to spare, teach, go home and eat whatever I can consume in 10 minutes, leave for tutoring, get home at 7, do homework, work out, set alarm, set sleep timer on tv, go to sleep. Repeat. OH, except for Friday because I go directly from teaching to waitressing.

You are literally falling out of your seat because you can hardly contain yourself, am I right? Yeah, that's how I feel. I need a vacation. Heck, I'll even take going or doing something that isn't in my daily routine. Something to break the monotony. I'm going to go crazy.

Tonight I started a running program called Couch to 5K. I don't plan on running a 5K anytime soon, but I don't necessarily want to say I'd never run one. I'm not a runner, but I think this new program is going to help me. At the least, help strengthen my lungs which have been torn to shreds by my father's smoking. Anyway, I'm excited and it's something new, so I'm happy.

Tomorrow something is happening in my life that will change everything. You need only know that this will be a huge step for me and that it has taken a lot of courage to get to this point. I'm ready though and I'm excited for the future.

Well, I really need to get off of here. It's time to complete the evening routine. Brush teeth, wash face, take contacts out, get in bed, set alarm, turn on tv sleep timer and go to bed. Be jealous.

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