Monday, July 16, 2012

Cupcake Toppers!

Look what I learned how to make!! Cupcake toppers! These will be adorable in the cupcakes for Tabby's bridal shower.  I'm so crafty, I know.  I can't wait to take a picture of them inside the cupcakes!! :)

I've been spending a lot of time on Pinterest trying to find last minute ideas for the bridal shower.  I love throwing parties. I can't wait to see my vision come to life.  I've been creating a lot of the decorations myself and saving a lot of money! Tonight I make cupcake toppers and tomorrow I plan to cover bottles of water with purple duck tape.  Yep, that's right.  Duck tape covered bottles of water.  Who wouldn't want one of those? I'll make sure to post pictures of the water. I know you're dying to see that!

Well, I'm going to finish up the cupcake toppers and prepare for tutoring tomorrow.


Stole this recipe

My famous punch
I make AMAZING punch. There, I said it.
I’m the Punch Master. Queen of Punch. Snoop Punch. David Punchuleta. I bet you didn’t know this about me, but I seriously rock the punch bowl like no other.
I invented one very special recipe that I’m about to share with you. And I have to tell you—you’re really lucky because all you have to do is read the recipe, buy the stuff, put it together, and serve it at a party and have everyone tell you that it is the best punch in the universe.
Whereas I had to create, puzzle, reflect, and ponder the recipe in the first place in my special Punch Laboratory. I had to contact chemists from ivy league universities to perfect the chemical makeup of this recipe. I had to search the globe for the exact ingredients. I had to throw out hundreds of thousands of batches of lesser punches on my quest to attain the ideal ice-to-punch ratio.
But now that I’ve arrived at Punch Perfectdom, it’s hard for me to contain it and keep it to myself. I feel that I owe it to the world to share. You all have been so nice to me lately, and I feel so intoxicated with goodwill, that I am ready to freely give you this recipe for the betterment of mankind. If the war suddenly ends, I will know that The Punch has done its job.
OK, are you ready?
The Punch
1 can frozen pina colada concentrate, thawed (Bacardi makes a good one)
1 can frozen orange pineapple juice concentrate, thawed
4 liters of diet lemon-lime soda (That’s two 2-Liters for the mathematically challenged.)
1 bag of pebble ice (You can buy it at Sonic Drive-In or at most grocery stores in the deli or meat departments.)
1 bag of frozen raspberries
And now for the directions:
*Pour the thawed concentrates into your punchbowl and stir.
*Use one of the empty cans and fill it with water four times and add it to the mixture. Stir.
*Add your diet soda to the mixture. (You can use regular sugar-filled soda if you want, but I think it gets too sweet and you will also feel guilty when you fill your glass for the sixteenth time. Which you WILL.)
*Next, add about half your bag of pebble ice.
(NOTE: Please do not insult The Punch by using crappy ice cubes from your freezer. The Punch will hate you forever.) (ANOTHER NOTE: Please do not screw up the order and add the ice before the soda. You will get an ugly foam at the top of your punch bowl.) (ONE MORE NOTE: I’m sorry if it seems like I’m micro-managing this recipe. It’s just that I have already suffered bad punch experiences so that you won’t have to. I micro-manage because I care.) Let’s see….where were we? Oh, yes. We’re ready for the crowning ingredient…
*Add your frozen raspberries to the top.
Viola! You have just created the Mona Lisa of Punch!
Your punch should be a lovely dark yellow at the bottom of your punch bowl, light lemony yellow in middle, almost white on the top, and then bright magenta on the very, very top! So pretty!
And then, when you start serving the punch with a ladle, it all mixes together and becomes this dreamy pink color.
And then, when you lift the punch bowl to your lips when it is almost gone to swallow the last few drops of punch, it is an even darker pink because the raspberries have really mixed in.
And then, when you pass out on the floor because you tipped the punch bowl too far and lost your balance, falling backward to the floor with the punch bowl hitting you square in the jaw—you will see lots of lovely yellow stars and magenta raspberries floating above your head.
Go now. Make Punch.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sad, sad world...

What is this world coming to?  Just found this on Craigslist under the tickets section.

I need a used ticket stub from any concert or sporting event from July 4 of this year. I dont care what event this ticket is for I just need to have something to show my wife. I was out cheating on her that day with a girl from work however i told her I was at a concert then a ball game. I am not sure she believes me 100 % on this so what I will do is leave the ticket stub sitting on the sink one morning where she can find it and that way she will think I was actually at a concert and not continue to question me about this. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Date went very well last Saturday. We had dinner at Texas Roadhouse; the food was great and so was the conversation.  I was worried about what we were going to talk about, but as soon as we started talking it was effortless.  We talked for the whole 2 hours we were there.  He has a lot of the same goals as I do.  We both want to get married and start a family, but it's difficult with our lifestyles.  We're both comfortable with where we are right now and don't get out much to meet new people.  I'm not sure if I can see myself "dating" him, but he is a great guy to get to know better and fun to be around.

After our "date", I went over to Aaron's house to watch some LOST with him and Jordan.  We're practically through the 5th season, which means we only have one more season to go! It feels like we've been watching it forever (really only a year); it's getting really good and I can't wait until the season finale!  I hope we start another series when we're finished with LOST.  It's nice to have something to look forward to and I enjoy hanging out with the two of them.

They are already starting to put "back to school" items in the stores.  Ugh...I don't even want to think about going back to school.  To say that I'm enjoying my summer vacation would be an understatement.  I'm having the summer of my life.  No, I'm not going anywhere special, but I'm enjoying spending time with friends and family.  I'm caught up on my laundry and cleaning and I'm even reading for pleasure.  I feel selfish when I talk about summer vacation and how I never want it to end, especially when I'm around my friends who are not teachers, but I can't help it.  I've grown accustomed to this lifestyle.  It hasn't changed since I was in elementary school.  Work hard for 9 months and get 3 months off.  It's fabulous.

Anyway, I'm done talking about junk.  Maybe I'll have something exciting to talk about tomorrow.  Oh YEAH! Yesterday I was able to get all of Tabby's favors, table centerpieces, and decorations made!!  I couldn't have done it so quickly without my cousin Mariah's help! She was awesome! It feels good to have things done in advance.  Now I don't have to worry about it. I can spend my time worrying about the games and food! :) I'll post some pictures later.

Off to get ready. I'm going to the teacher store today at Polaris to pick up some doorbuster sales and then Cheesecake Factory tonight!


Here is one of the centerpieces we made.  I wanted to put the flower into the vase, but the flowers I bought were too big, so we had to modify my vision. I think they still turned out cute.

Yes, the bride showed up! I wanted everything to be a surprise, but it was okay.  She was our supervisor and even helped us out with some of the tissue paper pom poms! (BTW, these pictures were taken at my grandma's house.  She leaves ALL Christmas decorations up year round in the basement.  You may even get to see the Christmas tree in other pictures!)

The tissue paper pom pom on the right was our first.  We didn't like the rounded edges, so we decided to make the edges spikey.  You can sort of see it better with the one on the left.  I should have taken a picture of all of them. This is only 2; we made like 10. 

The flower pots with flowers are going to be the center pieces as well.  We made flower pens as favors.  The guests can use them to play the games and then take them home when it's over. We are planning to arrange the flowers better and put a bow on the pot.  It's a work in progress.  On the right side of the picture you can see a piece of the Christmas tree! haha

Here is a close-up of one of the pens.  The flower looks a little tattered in the picture, but it's real cute in person.  We tied a little "Thank You" tag to each flower pen.

I can't wait to share more bridal shower pictures with you!