Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Tonight was a great night.  I was able to spend some quality time with Eclipse, Nathan and Kate.  I put them in that order because that was the order I spent the time.  Anyway, due to a village power outage I was able to read the rest of Eclipse and finish an entire crossword by myself.  That's unheard of!  I enjoy not feeling the urge to check email or facebook.  It's very peaceful when there isn't electric.  It was a little inconvenient, but overall, very enjoyable. 

Just got back from Kate's with Nathan.  Why does it seem like we always get on the topic of babies and marriage? It's a sign of our age, I guess.  I'm excited for Kate b/c it's possible for her to have a baby at anytime and that means I will be an aunt soon!  She has the house, the funds, and most importantly...the husband.  However, it's always a bit depressing for me because I'm almost the same age as Kate and I have yet to complete any of those things.  I mean, sure, I guess I have some funds stashed away that I could say could support myself and a baby, but no house and the husband is totally non-existent. I'm actually the only girl in our "group" of friends that isn't dating/engaged/married.  Sometimes I find it difficult to talk to them about things like babies and such because I'm obviously not there yet and will probably not be for a couple of years (at least!). 

That's all I want to say about that for now.  I'm tired and a tad bit melancholy. 

Time for bed.  House hunting in the morning.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Disney Dedication!

Can you believe it??? Disney dedicated an entire year to me!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Just Breathe...

Do you ever have so much you need to say that it's difficult to find where to begin? As another school year comes to a close I feel like I can finally come up from underwater and catch my breath.  My life has always felt as if someone pushed the fast forward button on the tape player.  Summer vacation gives me the much needed time to reflect on my life.  It's hard to explain the feelings I experience during August-June.  It's almost so overwhelming at times that I wonder how I get through each day.  I love my job and I'm not saying that everyday is difficult, but I'm always thinking about my next responsibility or piece of documentation that I have to complete.  A shadow of anxiety follows me around wherever I go and I'm happy to say that after today it can find a new home.  I'm starting to feel free again.  Now, I can focus on doing things that make me happy.  So, for the next couple months I'm going to be reading, finding a home, spending time with friends and family and enjoying life.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Super Duper!

It has taken almost 2 hours to get this up and running, so I have to make this a super short entry. Hopefully, I will be able to customize this a little more later, but I think for now this will do.  Today was super!  [Note to self: check thesaurus for a new word to put in place for "super"] I had a smashing time at church and a splendid afternoon at play practice.  I really need to get off of here, so I can form coherent sentences at work tomorrow.  

Have a wicked cool day tomorrow!