Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Buried Treasure

Went to the Ohio Conference for Classroom and Special Education Teachers yesterday. It was held at the Hilton @ Easton. Gorgeous hotel! Lemme tell you! Doubt I'll ever have the money to stay at one, so I'm happy I had the opportunity to see the inside. I also had a dermatologist appointment yesterday after the conference. No moles were removed! YAY! That means I'm still cancer free. :) I'm very thankful for that.

I've been a crazy cleaner today! I did two loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and rearranged my bedroom. I really like it now. Let's just hope it stays clean! I actually found $20.00 under my bed when I moved it, so that was an added plus for cleaning.

I'm really excited about my case study project with my partner, Dan. He's really motivated, with I'm not normally. He's really helping me keep my mind focused and I'm glad he's my partner because of that. I'm someone who needs an extra push to do assignments before they are due and not the day they are due. I may be turning over a new leaf. Nah...I doubt I can change at this point.

I better get off here and go to bed. I'm thinking about going into school early tomorrow to get some much needed planning done. I work much better when I'm there.

Todd's after teaching tomorrow. Yay... Pray for BIG tips.

<3 ya'll

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