Sunday, January 24, 2010

Procrastinators Anonymous

It has been brought to my attention that I don't update this often enough. I shouldn't have to tell you how busy I've been. My house is becoming increasingly cluttered and in turn my parent's house is looking more like a house and not a storage unit. Thank goodness I bought a house with a basement! I started spring quarter at Ashland and it looks like this semester is going to be a doozie. Lots of debates, case studies and papers. Even 2 exams....bleh. I only need to complete 5 more classes and I'll have my Intervention Specialist Mild/Moderate license. I'm probably going to finish up next year. I don't want to overwhelm myself too much. I have a little over 10 classes left and field experiences for my master's degree. Maybe I'll graduate next summer...who knows?!

This weekend has been a blur. I can't believe it's Sunday already. I guess the weekend goes by more quickly when you're enjoying yourself. I spent Friday waitressing at Todd's and made some really good tips! Friday evening was extremely enjoyable and I stayed in bed past noon on Saturday. How wonderful!? Who doesn't enjoy staying in bed on the weekends? But it didn't last, as I had to meet the family at Red Lobster for lunch/dinner. I had to most wonderful smoked salmon and shrimp linguini. I even treated myself to dessert. YUM! I really need to stop eating out so much. I have a kitchen now, so I need to start putting it to use! It would be more healthy too!

I haven't started my homework yet. BLEH....more than likely I decided to start writing this because I'm a serious procrastinator. I think they should offer classes on procrastination. Procrastinators Anonymous. I could be the president of the club, but it would never get started because I'd keep putting off the development. Yea, that's me. Oh,'s hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

I better get off here and do some laundry, or take out the trash.....or hang some pictures...haha, maybe do some lesson plans for tomorrow. I won't be in school because I'm going to a workshop at the Hilton at Easton. I think it's going to be very beneficial. I hope to bring home a lot of new resources that I can use in my classroom.


I promise I won't make you wait 4 months for another post... ;)

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