Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer is almost over! :(

Scotland was absolutely amazing. It's truly difficult to explain the beauty in everything I saw and the rich culture over there. I'm sad that I couldn't have stayed longer. I hope to someday visit more of the outskirts of the major cities and stay at little bed and breakfasts around the country. I would love to have more time to explore.

Last weekend my dad and brother installed my outdoor lights. They look amazing! My house actually looks classy and I love it!

I've been really struggling for the past 2 weeks getting up early and teaching summer camp. UGH, I don't even want to think about getting back into the grind. I don't feel like I've had a summer break at all! I've been teaching 3 times a week and waitressing at Todd's 3 days a week and going to church. It's been wonderful though and definitely a summer break that I will never forget...for numerous reasons. :)

Next week the teacher inservices and trainings begin. I'm definitely not ready to go back, but it will be nice to see everyone again. I'm happy I'm teaching in a building with a supportive and helpful staff. They make me feel like I'm part of London Elementary even though I'm technically not.

This weekend I'm supposed to go camping with Aaron, Kate & Michael, but Michael may have to work. :( I've been looking forward to this camping trip for at least a month or so, and I will be sad if we have to cancel. Oh well, Kate and I really have to get some stuff ready for Ashley's bridal shower and I really should be getting stuff ready in my room. So, if we don't go camping I at least can be productive.

Well, tomorrow I have to get my 35,000 mile maintenance done on my car. It's about 3,000 miles overdue. Oh well. I have a super busy schedule, but I get the evening off which is GREAT!

8:00-12:00 Summer Camp
12:30-2:00 Tutoring
3:30 - 5:00 Maintenance
5:00 - ? FREEDOM!

It will be nice to get some down time. I may stop at the teacher store to pick up some last minute supplies.

Tomorrow in art class I may try to paint a picture to hang in my bathroom. I changed it to black and white with pink accents! <3

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