Thursday, January 13, 2011

Here we go 2011

"Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin, and they end, with no lasting memories made in between. Most days have no impact on the course of a life."

Everyone wants to make lasting memories, but somedays are unremarkable and easy to forget. My plan is to use this place to harbor my unremarkable memories with the hope that someday these memories will become remarkable to me and others.


Here we go 2011.

So far this year, I have...

1.) Not taken down my Christmas tree.

2.) Purchased a new touch screen cell phone with additional data plan. (Which I refused to ever do in 2010)

3.) Enjoyed the perks to new cell phone.

4.) Tried to watch The Black Swan...twice...on the same evening, but both theaters screwed up the film.

5.) Borrowed 3 books from a friends and 3 from the library. I have yet to finish any of them.

6.) Organized my pantry.

7.) Watched at least 15 movies from the library.

8.) Enjoyed a SNOW DAY off of school!

9.) Taken back my wonderful cell phone, with the intention of getting the iPhone in February.

10.) Tried to keep up on my New Year's Resolutions.


1.) Stop eating Poptarts for breakfast.

2.) Throw out mail daily.

3.) Be honest with myself and others.

4.) Try to write online at least 3 times a week...yeah, we'll see how this goes! (considering I just started this, who knows how often I will update, but I will try)

5.) Obtain a Master's Degree in Intervention Specialist Mild/Moderate.

6.) Continue to love life and all that it has to offer.


I made some really great chicken noodle soup last night and it was even better tonight for dinner. I think I would enjoy cooking nice dinners everyday, but it's just not sensible when you live alone. That's one thing I wish was different. Sharing dinners with someone would be nice and hopefully this will be my year to meet someone to share those kinds of moments with, but for now, it's just Edward (my cat) and I. However, I'm really beginning to enjoy having some more time to myself. I feel like my life is starting to slow down and things are falling into place. Occasionally, I feel overwhelmed with work and school, but I'm learning to stop trying to please everyone all the time. It feels good to sit and read or watch a movie without feeling guilty or feeling like I should be doing something else. I don't really know how to explain it...I'm a pretty complex person. I'm only working one evening at the pizza shop, so this semester I should be able to keep my head above water.

Whelp, it's almost 1:00 AM and I should probably be getting to bed. I have to teach in the morning. :) It was pretty nice getting a snow day today. Our new governor is giving us back 5 calamity days, so I'm definitely not opposed to using them all up.

Good night.


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