Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Epic Failure

Well, there goes my 2011 resolution. It's been an entire month since I've updated and although there has been plenty to write about I just can't find the time to do it. I'm over the hump in my 521 Curriculum class. This semester has gone by fairly quickly! I grown to love writing in APA form...well, not love....how about **accept**. I am confident that I will have very few problems writing my thesis. ::fingers crossed::


1) Bought an iPad with a gift card given to me from a parent in my classroom. I use it in the classroom with my students and it's amazing! I would NEVER purchase one, but since it was a gift I am more than welcome to accept it into my life. The possibilities are endless.

2) I've wasted more of my life than I am willing to admit playing Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies with the boys. I'm better than I was when I started, but none of us can honestly say we are getting anywhere. Alas, we continue to waste our lives playing until the wee hours of the night.

3) Trivial Pursuit "Bet You Know It" has been a great way to keep our minds off of the zombies, but it also makes us angry.

4) Alternate Assessments are DONE!

5) I've been taking piano lessons at the WJUMC. I practice on our new Baby Grand piano. I'm not good, but I'm learning proper technique.

6) Spring break will start the last week of this month. I'm more than happy to have a week off. :) Yay, for being a teacher.

7) I still can't write about anything important.

I'm planning to play tennis tomorrow with Nate and Aaron. I'm sure I will get brutally beaten as usual. It's still fun!

I continue to follow the coverage of the devastation in Japan. I wish there was more I could do. It breaks my heart to see the people of Japan suffering. It's tragic. However, I know that they are strong-willed individuals and they will overcome. I will continue to keep them and all families affected in surrounding areas around the world in my prayers.

Going to bed early tonight.

<3 Nite

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