Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer Vacation?

Where have the weeks gone? Seriously, it's almost the middle of July!

I have enjoyed my time off from teaching immensely! Not that I don't enjoy my job, I do, but I needed a break! So, what have I been up to for the past couple of months? A lot, but apparently not anything important enough to make it on this blog. This summer has been a blur. I've been keeping myself busy with the Madison County Arts Council musical Brigadoon. I don't have a major part, but I'm in almost every singing and dancing number. It has been enjoyable. I have practice every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evening from 6:30-9:30. I tutor a student in my class Mon. - Thurs. from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and I'm taking classes at Ashland Mon.-Wednesday 1:15 - 4:45. And, of course, I still have my Friday evening waitressing job at Todd's Pizza. Yikes...I need a vacaction...oh yeah, this is technically my vacation. Crap!

It seems like I find myself writing on here when I'm avoiding something I really should be doing. In this case, it's my Qualitative Research paper. It's due tomorrow evening. The research question: "What do teachers perceive to be effective strategies to help students who procrastinate?" Apparently, I have learned nothing. I better get my act together! I only have 2 classes left and I'll have my Master's Degree! It's hard to believe I have made it this far...

I've been watching a lot of movies on Netflix. It's my new best friend. I can't afford cable and even if I could I don't think I would have it because Netflix is far superior. I've been watching a lot of Independent films and movies that I have never heard of. I feel like I'm becoming a "well-rounded" movie connoisseur. You're jealous, I know.

Well, I gotta get off here and take a shower. It's important that I shower before waitressing, so that I can instantly smell like grease and failure in a matter of minutes. Oh yeah, and tonight I have to wear a long-sleeved shirt because I have poison ivy on both arms. FML

'Til we meet again or until I need to procrastinate,

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