Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Fair People"

I'm not really a fan of fairs. I'm not a fan of the heat, food, rides or walking around in close proximity to "fair people". I consider "fair people" a rare breed. I mean, there are "fair people" that live at the fair because of their livestock and whatnot, but then there are "fair people" that live at the fair for the fair. They dress and act strangely unnatural. Until yesterday, I had never been to the Madison County Fair, nor had I ever been hypnotized. To make a long story short, I was given fair tickets from a family that I wait on every Friday night at Todd's. The family actually runs the Madison County Fair and the wife thought it would be hilarious if she got me on stage with the hypnotist. It was funny, indeed. Well, Katie told me I was anyway. I was not convinced that I would actually be hypnotized, but I was. Apparently, I screamed and danced when a certain song was played and reacted to many suggestions from the hypnotist. I don't remember much, but I do remember feeling really tired afterwards. And, somehow I popped a button on my pants. Haha! I must have really been dancing! Katie and I ended up getting dinner at the fair and checking out the prize-winning animals. I ate dinner fried on a stick and then we both left the fair with funnel cakes. BIG MISTAKE! I don't normally stuff my face with fried foods, so I was deathly sick all last night. Needless to say, I will not be going to another fair for a long time.

Why must door to door sales people come to my house? I'm far too nice to tell them "no thank you" as soon as they start their sales pitch and then I feel bad telling them I don't want their product at the end of the presentation. Just now, someone came to my door selling a concentrated cleaner. She cleaned my front door, the rims on my car, and proved that she could take out pen stain from a towel (after I gave her a pen to use because apparently she lost hers). I was slightly impressed, but told her nicely "no thank you" and she went on her way...with my pen in her hair. It's a good thing I just bought 50 8-packs of black pens for a penny each. I guess I can part with one.

Saturday I am going to Zoombezi Bay with the cousins. I wish I could say that I was super pumped, but there's something about putting my life in danger while wearing a bathing suit in public that doesn't sound exciting to me. I need to get out more, but how about some good ol' bowling or putt putt? That sounds like fun to me!

I feel the need to vent about my Contemporary Issues in Education class, but I can't bring myself to do it right now. I'll save it for another day. I doubt my opinion will change in a few short days.


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