Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No, thank you, Chris Bradley.

To be honest, I only watch the news when there is snow in the forecast. I have been watching the same forecast all day, and it hasn't gotten old yet. In case you didn't know, we're going to get some ice tonight and rain in the wee hours of the morning. I live for snow days...who doesn't? I'll tell you who-adults who aren't teachers. Let's take a moment right now to pray for all of those unfortunate souls that have to dig their cars out in the morning and brave the icy snow-covered roads to get to work on time....I'm sorry. Even though I get a call in the morning regarding my school closing I still turn on the news to see it there. It's like I don't believe it, and then when I see it I get a small rush of energy. It takes me back to when I was in school and life wasn't so complicated. I'll watch the school closings loop all day...just because I can. :)

I didn't exactly watch the news all day...I mean, I had it on in the background, but I was fairly productive. I managed to get all of the laundry done and dishes. I made a batch of sugar cookies. Started my homework for my class tonight, but when I found out that class was cancelled I stopped. Haha. I'll finish it up next Tuesday before class. I'm such a great teacher...

Speaking of the news...don't you love how the news shows 90% weather coverage and then 10% everything else. Maybe that's why I enjoy watching the news when there's snow in the forecast. I hate watching the murders/fires/crashes/burglaries...etc. Snow and ice is a much happier topic.

There's only one negative aspect of snow days. Well, for me anyway. I dislike snow days because I live alone. Snow days were awesome in school because you could get together with friends and hang out and play in the snow and what-not. When you're alone, yeah, it's great, but it would be much better if I had someone to share in the greatness. I guess I need to find a male teacher to marry. That way we can have the same snow days off. I haven't found any single male teachers...I'm pretty sure they're non-existent, but I haven't given up hope just yet.

Free TV has been great! I get about 11 channels. The basic news channels ABC, NBC, WSYX, then I get CW and FOX. Somedays, I watch WOSU, which has some quality programming. :) Canceling my cable has been the best choice I've made in a long time. I'm happy to save $90.00 a month for something I wasn't using. I can't believe I kept it as long as I did. Seems like such a waste.

A part of me hopes to go back to school tomorrow because I have so much work to do, but another part of me will enjoy another day to sleep in. Who knows what will happen, but you better believe I'll be watching the news to find out. :)

On a side note, let's pray for the people of Egypt during this time and for the future.

Stay safe out there!

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