Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Wow...I really haven't been updating like I should. I think about writing on here everyday, so I can remember my truly eventful day to day ordeals, but I'm always to tired at the end of the day to do one. Ok, lets start with the basics.

1. I'm a homeowner

I closed on my house yesterday starting at 4:30 pm. It took me approx. 1 1/2 hours to sign my life away. I wish I would have documented my daily struggles through this entire house purchase. You probably wouldn't have believed me if I explained what I had to go through. It's all over, and I've learned many life lessons throughout the whole process. I know more about buying a house/lending/inspections/mortgages/insurance/appraisals/...etc. than I ever though I would learn in a million years. I've had to document my every purchase for months and I feel like everyone in the world knows my credit score and just how much money I have/do not have.

I bought a house, but I'm slowly making into my home. I spent last night painting with Katie, Aaron and Amanda. We were able to get a lot finished! I feel so blessed to have such great friends! My parents also came over and dropped off a couple things. My dad and brother put together my kitchen looks amazing!! I have tons of pictures but I can't upload them b/c my printer won't transfer from a 4 GB memory card, and I can't find the cords to the camera...:(. I really need to take the chip to Wal-mart and put them on a cd and then I need to buy a 2 GB chip, so I won't have this problem again! Anyway, we got a lot accomplished, but still lots more to do. I'm going to try to post news on the house as often as I can with pictures, so you can see what I'm case you're interesed. ;)

Tomorrow I'm riding over to Hilliard with Katie and Aaron (my brother Aaron) to pick up a couch a really sweet couple is giving me. I have some "regulars" that come into Todd's and one older couple called me about a couch they were getting rid of. It's in really great condition, their son wanted it, but couldn't fit it into his den. They didn't want to just give it to anybody, so they asked me. I'm SUPER pumped because I think it's going to be great! My plan was to use the couches from my grandma's basement, but this one may be better! We'll just have to see tomorrow. I'll let you know! Then we're taking it to my house. My dad is supposed to be meeting us at my house because he's bring a load of my stuff over. Katie and I are going to immediately get started on our painting. Hopefully, we can get a lot done! :)

2. I still have a

I caught some news from the faculty meeting that they may be getting rid of the school-age program at Fairhaven next year. That would job for Wendy. Of course, getting this news the day before I put my house into contract was not a good thing. I was devastated! I have learned since, that I will be taken care of...not in the "you're fired' sense, but the "we'll find you a job or there will be a job here for you". This should probably make me feel better, but in this economy, I'm pretty nervous. Who knows what will be in store for me next year, but I'm going to be keeping my options open that's for sure.

While I'm talking about my job I feel that it's necessary to vent a little. I got a new student today. She's amazing! I'm also getting another new in the next couple of weeks. This is all great, but my stress level is getting very high. The demands that are being placed on me are very heavy and the need in my classroom is very high. If we don't get another set of hands to help my aide and I out, we are going to be in trouble. I'm already having difficulty juggling my classroom because everyone is on a different, they're going to throw two more kiddos into the mix. Sure, my class number will only be up to 7, but each student needs so much constant attention that it's almost impossible to pull off a daily routine. I have a new IEP format to learn and 3 IEP's to write in a week. Stress level is definitely high. And all of this is coming when I want to move into my house. :( I'm going to have to make sacrifices...and I can't sacrifice my job, so it may take me a little longer to move in than I previously expected. Oh well, I have as long as I need... I'm just not a very patient person when it comes to this kind of stuff.

3. I'm going to miss grandma....

Enough said.

Ok, well I'm going to go to bed now. I have to finish planning in the morning. I'm so tired right now I don't think I could work to my best ability. I'll hopefully update tomorrow.


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