Thursday, September 24, 2009

House and such...

Things are really coming together over here! My brother and dad came over tonight to hang my new ceiling fan that Katie and Michael bought for me!! They also hung a couple living room pictures, blinds in my kitchen, and an outdoor light. I know I've been saying this a lot, but I'm so blessed to have such a great family. I love them so much!

I wish I had more time to unpack. This weekend is going to be nice. I'm going to catch up on some sleep and get some stuff unpacked. Hopefully, I'll get to organize some more and get some home work done too! I really need to start getting my plans ready for Friday. I'm not going to be at school because I'm driving to Tennessee with Sarah for Liz's wedding. I can't wait to see her! It's been almost 2 years!! I really hope that my bridesmaid dress is altered before then or I'm going to have some serious problems!

Ok, I'm done blabbing. I can't wait until tomorrow! Teaching, then working at Todd's. After Todd's I'm inviting everyone back to my house. It should be really fun! <3

Friday, September 18, 2009

House Episode 1

Tonight was great! My brother and I picked up the couch from Hilliard. It is in excellent condition and looks adorable in my house! My dad and brother brought a load over to my house in the truck and Tahoe and Kate came over to help start painting and she helped with the unloading. My Mamaw W and Aunt Dee came over to the house to check out the progress! They stayed to visit for a little bit and then Kate and I sat and planned for the evening. We ended up getting a lot taped and painted before Aaron and Nathan came over to help. I'm pretty sure Nathan made a bigger mess, but oh well...I'm glad he came to see the house. Aaron and I kicked butt on my bedroom and it's almost completely finished. I have to buy more paint tomorrow because we have yet to do corners and touch-up, but thankfully 2 coats worked out rather nicely. I'm excited about the finished product! it's going to look great!

Tomorrow evening I have to work at Todd's after teaching. It's going to a long day, but I'm still going over to my house after work with Katie to make some last improvements. Saturday between 4-7 I'm getting Time Warner Cable installed. I wasn't going to get cable because I rarely watch TV, but I was offered a great deal.

Well, I'm so tired! Gotta get up early tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Wow...I really haven't been updating like I should. I think about writing on here everyday, so I can remember my truly eventful day to day ordeals, but I'm always to tired at the end of the day to do one. Ok, lets start with the basics.

1. I'm a homeowner

I closed on my house yesterday starting at 4:30 pm. It took me approx. 1 1/2 hours to sign my life away. I wish I would have documented my daily struggles through this entire house purchase. You probably wouldn't have believed me if I explained what I had to go through. It's all over, and I've learned many life lessons throughout the whole process. I know more about buying a house/lending/inspections/mortgages/insurance/appraisals/...etc. than I ever though I would learn in a million years. I've had to document my every purchase for months and I feel like everyone in the world knows my credit score and just how much money I have/do not have.

I bought a house, but I'm slowly making into my home. I spent last night painting with Katie, Aaron and Amanda. We were able to get a lot finished! I feel so blessed to have such great friends! My parents also came over and dropped off a couple things. My dad and brother put together my kitchen looks amazing!! I have tons of pictures but I can't upload them b/c my printer won't transfer from a 4 GB memory card, and I can't find the cords to the camera...:(. I really need to take the chip to Wal-mart and put them on a cd and then I need to buy a 2 GB chip, so I won't have this problem again! Anyway, we got a lot accomplished, but still lots more to do. I'm going to try to post news on the house as often as I can with pictures, so you can see what I'm case you're interesed. ;)

Tomorrow I'm riding over to Hilliard with Katie and Aaron (my brother Aaron) to pick up a couch a really sweet couple is giving me. I have some "regulars" that come into Todd's and one older couple called me about a couch they were getting rid of. It's in really great condition, their son wanted it, but couldn't fit it into his den. They didn't want to just give it to anybody, so they asked me. I'm SUPER pumped because I think it's going to be great! My plan was to use the couches from my grandma's basement, but this one may be better! We'll just have to see tomorrow. I'll let you know! Then we're taking it to my house. My dad is supposed to be meeting us at my house because he's bring a load of my stuff over. Katie and I are going to immediately get started on our painting. Hopefully, we can get a lot done! :)

2. I still have a

I caught some news from the faculty meeting that they may be getting rid of the school-age program at Fairhaven next year. That would job for Wendy. Of course, getting this news the day before I put my house into contract was not a good thing. I was devastated! I have learned since, that I will be taken care of...not in the "you're fired' sense, but the "we'll find you a job or there will be a job here for you". This should probably make me feel better, but in this economy, I'm pretty nervous. Who knows what will be in store for me next year, but I'm going to be keeping my options open that's for sure.

While I'm talking about my job I feel that it's necessary to vent a little. I got a new student today. She's amazing! I'm also getting another new in the next couple of weeks. This is all great, but my stress level is getting very high. The demands that are being placed on me are very heavy and the need in my classroom is very high. If we don't get another set of hands to help my aide and I out, we are going to be in trouble. I'm already having difficulty juggling my classroom because everyone is on a different, they're going to throw two more kiddos into the mix. Sure, my class number will only be up to 7, but each student needs so much constant attention that it's almost impossible to pull off a daily routine. I have a new IEP format to learn and 3 IEP's to write in a week. Stress level is definitely high. And all of this is coming when I want to move into my house. :( I'm going to have to make sacrifices...and I can't sacrifice my job, so it may take me a little longer to move in than I previously expected. Oh well, I have as long as I need... I'm just not a very patient person when it comes to this kind of stuff.

3. I'm going to miss grandma....

Enough said.

Ok, well I'm going to go to bed now. I have to finish planning in the morning. I'm so tired right now I don't think I could work to my best ability. I'll hopefully update tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The American Dream

Wow! Lot's have changed in just one day! Today I had a meeting to write the contract to buy the house in London on E. Park Ave. and we agreed upon the closing date of August 31st. That means...I could be a homeowner in less than 20 days! It's really unbelievable to think about how much I have learned during this entire home-buying process. I didn't know anything back in April and today I negotiated my way through a contract all on my own. The contract is contingent upon home inspection/appraisal, so as long as there aren't any surprises I will have my house! It's 1160 sq. feet with a full unfinished basement. It also has 3 bedrooms, 1 full bath and a half bath. It's located in a wonderful neighborhood in a great school district. In a way I'm sad that I couldn't afford a house in WJ, but I couldn't be happier with this house and location. I'm going to be saving a boatload of money in gas because it will only take me 1 mile tops to get to school and working at Todd's will help me bank some extra money to cover my car payment and gas. The interest rates are incredibly low and I get $8,000.00! Some would say that this is not a very good time to buy a house because of the economy and I would agree with them, but I also think that it's a great time for a first time buyer to buy a house if they can. I know that the mortgage payment on this house is less than most rent payments and that makes me happy. There is a teacher at London Elementary that just purchased a home with his wife at the end of June and today he told me that he received his $8,000.00 check! Once he amended his taxes it took a little more than one month to get the money and it doesn't have to be repaid as long as you stay in the house for 3 years!

Ok, I'm done blabbing about the home...for right now anyway. I'm already thinking room colors and decorations, but I can't get my hopes up because ya never know! Something may come back in the home inspection or appraisal that will raise a red flag. Let's hope not though because I found my dream house! <3

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Party USA is offering something for every occasion

Now you can invite the survivors of the titanic over to celebrate their survival by reenacting the most tragic event in their life.

Disturbing? Yes.

See for yourself:

On a better note, I think I found some paintings I would like to use in my new house (dependent upon closing). There is this great website I stumbled upon a couple weeks ago and it offers modern art. The website is and if you're into modern art, you will not be disappointed. Here are two pictures of paintings I am saving up to buy. I love them!

I'm planning to paint the living room a shade of green and the back wall where the dining room is I plan to paint brown. Is it sad that I'm already planning this and I haven't even signed the contract?

Sense and Sensibility

Today turned out to be fairly productive. I played tennis with Aaron, Nate and Chris. We played at least 4 sets, I believe. I won two, but it was probably only because Nate was on my team. After that I watched a movie called The Company. Terrible, terrible movie!! If you feel like losing an hour and 40 minutes of your life that you'll never get back go ahead and watch it. No joke. It might be the worst movie I've ever seen.

On the other hand, I just finished watching Sense and Sensibility ( the one with Hugh Grant and Kate Winslet ) and I have come to the conclusion that it may be one of the greatest movies I've ever seen! My interest in Jane Austen came about around a year ago and since then I've yearned to read all of her novels and watch the movies based upon those novels. I used to watch Pride and Prejudice at least once a week and now I'm almost positive that I will devote at least once a week to Sense and Sensibility. My heart was thrown back and forth during the entire movie. I've never felt so many emotions in a movie. It also had a happy ending, so of course I loved it!

I may be buying a house very soon. Tomorrow I take my mom, grandma, and BFF Kate over to London to see the house. They should be able to help me with the decision. I already had a house in contract and I had to pull out because of the home inspection. I have a really good feeling about this house and I think it's the one. Tomorrow's last walk through will determine whether I'm a new home owner or continuing my stay with grandma. However, I could honestly live with grandma forever. She's incredibly generous and supportive and I love her very much. She will be greatly missed when I move out.

Other than that, nothing else is new. Oh, I went to a going away party this past week and was able to meet up with David, Andreas and Simon. I never thought the meeting would be awkward, but I didn't plan on it being just like old times. I felt as if no time had passed since our last meeting. It had almost been a year since I saw Andreas...maybe even more! It was wonderful, to say the least. Hopefully, we will be able to all get together during the major holidays.

Now, I'm off to bed. Hopefully, I will dream of a happy ending like the one I watched this evening. <3

Friday, July 31, 2009

Kindergarten woes...

I woke up this morning at 7:00 AM! I know...crazy, right? I've been sleeping in until at least 9:30 for the past couple of weeks. It felt really good to get up early. It helps when you have a purpose in the morning. I love my summer break from teaching, but it's hard not to fall into a slump of waking up late and feeling like there's no need to rush because you don't have anywhere to be. I've never been one to adjust to time off I always feel like I need to have something to do, and when I don't have anything to do I feel anxious. Anyway, this morning I had to meet at Tammy Welch's house. She's the other Kindergarten teacher for summer camp, which starts on MONDAY!! We got a lot of planning accomplished and I feel very prepared for the next two weeks of summer camp. This is the first time I've volunteered for summer camp and I'm a little bit nervous about how it's going to go. I'm used to teaching children with MD, so it's going to be a whole different ball game to have 25 typical Kindergarteners. I'm excited though, a little change might be refreshing. Who knows, maybe I'll fall in love with teaching Kindergarteners! In all of my student teaching I never once had the opportunity to teach Kindergarten, so this should be a great experience...let's hope! :)

Waitressed at Todd's tonight. It was very slow until about 8:30 PM. Then I had some of my regulars that I dearly love. I worked with Amber, Chris, Nate and Tyler. We're a pretty good team! I'm going to miss Friday's when I start teaching. I might be able to keep working on Friday's and Monday's, but it may get to much because of school and grad school. Who knows how busy I'm going to get! I have to teach Jr. Church Choir soon too..AHH! I feel like I've blown my entire summer and now it's all over. I haven't planned at all! I hope there are other teachers out there that are just as bad as me. There has to be, right?

Tomorrow I'm going to be playing tennis at the high school with Nate, Aaron and Chris. I'm super pumped! This is the first time we've played with Chris and I have a feeling that he's going to be pretty intimidating because he played on the high school team. Hopefully, I don't completely embarrass myself. I know I will, I've never been known to be the most athletic person. Oh well, I'm happy with who I am.

I have to finish Breaking Dawn!! It's official!! I only have like 100 pages left...maybe if I get off here and start reading I can finish it tonight!

Nitey Nite!
<3 Wendy

Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday, Monday

What a great day! Tonight the group went met at Red Robin & then we went to Galaxy Golf. We were planning to go to dime-a-dog night at the Clipper's new stadium, but Jon called to reserve us tickets and they were completely sold out! Can you believe that?!? We were pretty bummed, but then I thought putt-putt would be a good alternative and it turned out to be awesome! Kate, Amanda, Ashley, Lauren, Aaron, Nate, Kyle and Jon went! As we get older it gets harder and harder to get our group together all at once, so I was glad to get almost everyone together. I was sad that Jo couldn't make it, but she was in our thoughts. The boys were against the girls in putt-putt. Unfortunately, we lost. I thought we did really good too! Oh well, we had fun!

This is Kate and I at Red Robin!

I'm so excited! This weekend I'm driving to Myrtle Beach with Katie and Ashley! It's going to be awesome! We're camping at Myrtle Beach State Park which is right down from Pirateland Campground where I stayed last year with family. It was a blast. I'm planning to take them down the beach to Pirateland, so we can swim in the lazy river! We're not planning on doing much. Spending days on the beach is enough for me. I love the ocean, so this is going to be one of the greatest birthday's! :) I can't believe I'm going to be 25! AHH!!

Until next time...Peace Out!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

"Pippin" ain't easy!

What a great night!! Just got back from Steak'n Shake with some of the cast members! Tonight's show went very well.  I don't think it was as good as last night, but it was still great! I feel so blessed to have so many people come to the show to support us.  The audience is what makes the show great!  I can't speak for everyone, but I get pumped up when I hear the audience laugh or respond to lines.  It's so exciting to know that all of our hard work is bringing happiness to others.  That's the real reason I perform in plays and musicals; I love to bring smiles, laughter and happiness to others. :) 

It's hard to believe that we only have one more performance of "Pippin" left and then it's all over.  We've been practicing so much lately I feel like London High School is my second home and the cast is my second family.  It's definitely going to be sad tomorrow when it's all over with.  Once the musical is over we have to strike the set and then we have a cast party!! Clayton, who plays the minstrel, has invited the cast to Ronettis.  It should be a blast!  Clayton owns Ronettis, which is an amazing pizza restaurant in London...I work at a pizza shop, so I know good pizza! ;) Well that's about all I can say tonight.  I'm pretty tired and I have to get up and possibly go to church tomorrow before the matinee.
Make it a great day!
<3 Wendy

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Tonight was a great night.  I was able to spend some quality time with Eclipse, Nathan and Kate.  I put them in that order because that was the order I spent the time.  Anyway, due to a village power outage I was able to read the rest of Eclipse and finish an entire crossword by myself.  That's unheard of!  I enjoy not feeling the urge to check email or facebook.  It's very peaceful when there isn't electric.  It was a little inconvenient, but overall, very enjoyable. 

Just got back from Kate's with Nathan.  Why does it seem like we always get on the topic of babies and marriage? It's a sign of our age, I guess.  I'm excited for Kate b/c it's possible for her to have a baby at anytime and that means I will be an aunt soon!  She has the house, the funds, and most importantly...the husband.  However, it's always a bit depressing for me because I'm almost the same age as Kate and I have yet to complete any of those things.  I mean, sure, I guess I have some funds stashed away that I could say could support myself and a baby, but no house and the husband is totally non-existent. I'm actually the only girl in our "group" of friends that isn't dating/engaged/married.  Sometimes I find it difficult to talk to them about things like babies and such because I'm obviously not there yet and will probably not be for a couple of years (at least!). 

That's all I want to say about that for now.  I'm tired and a tad bit melancholy. 

Time for bed.  House hunting in the morning.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Disney Dedication!

Can you believe it??? Disney dedicated an entire year to me!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Just Breathe...

Do you ever have so much you need to say that it's difficult to find where to begin? As another school year comes to a close I feel like I can finally come up from underwater and catch my breath.  My life has always felt as if someone pushed the fast forward button on the tape player.  Summer vacation gives me the much needed time to reflect on my life.  It's hard to explain the feelings I experience during August-June.  It's almost so overwhelming at times that I wonder how I get through each day.  I love my job and I'm not saying that everyday is difficult, but I'm always thinking about my next responsibility or piece of documentation that I have to complete.  A shadow of anxiety follows me around wherever I go and I'm happy to say that after today it can find a new home.  I'm starting to feel free again.  Now, I can focus on doing things that make me happy.  So, for the next couple months I'm going to be reading, finding a home, spending time with friends and family and enjoying life.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Super Duper!

It has taken almost 2 hours to get this up and running, so I have to make this a super short entry. Hopefully, I will be able to customize this a little more later, but I think for now this will do.  Today was super!  [Note to self: check thesaurus for a new word to put in place for "super"] I had a smashing time at church and a splendid afternoon at play practice.  I really need to get off of here, so I can form coherent sentences at work tomorrow.  

Have a wicked cool day tomorrow!