Monday, June 11, 2012

Gum goes in the trash

Yep, I did it.  I slept in this morning until 10:30.  I think it was the rain that kept me in bed.  I love listening to the rain when I'm laying in bed. This was officially my last opportunity to sleep in. Tomorrow summer school starts and I have to start at 9:00 am every morning. What was I thinking? Ugh...

Yesterday I didn't have an opportunity to post. I know you are all very disappointed. I promise I will try to not let that happen again. I had to be at church early to teach the Jr. Church Choir and then stayed for traditional service. Then my cousin stopped by to listen to the bells for her wedding. She told us we were "auditioning" to be in her wedding, but I knew she had planned for us to be in it all along.  Of course she loved us!  I'm so happy because the bells will sound beautiful outside at the Darby House where she is getting married. :) I will get to listen for once since I'm in the wedding! After practice we went back to grandma's house and hung out with the fam. It's amazing how young you feel when you're with your cousins at grandma's house and grandma makes all the "kids" a grilled cheese AND she cuts it in half! It was one of those moments where you wish were little again and didn't have to worry about life and such.   There was some reminiscing, but mostly talk about Tabby's wedding. She formally asked me to sing during her wedding and she also requested that I try to talk Aaron into singing with me.  She wants A Whole New World from Aladdin sang during the reception as a present to Adam, her fiance.  Seems silly, yes...but apparently it's his favorite! Haha! I was able to ask Aaron after his piano recital at church and he agreed without hesitation.  Well, he kind of hesitated when I told him he would have to dress up like Aladdin and dance around on a magic carpet, but he'll get over that ;).  I wish! That would be priceless!   Anyway, I'm excited that I will actually have a "plus one" for the wedding...even though "technically" he is only there to sing.

YES!!!!!!  The UPS guy just came and dropped off Tabby's bridal shower invites and stickers for the favors!! I'm so excited! (it doesn't take much to get me excited)

I'm almost forgot to mention the pool party/cookout I had on Saturday! It was a HUGE success! It was really great to see everyone together again. We only get together a couple times a year because of everyone's busy schedules, so we have to make sure to really party it up.  We ate tons of delicious food, played kickball & softball, cornhole and went swimming.  Then when it was too dark we went inside and played some Apples to Apples! FUN, FUN! I was just sad that my BF couldn't make it because she was also having a party for Michael's graduation from Clark State. I'll see her and the little tot this week, so I'll get my BF fix.

To end things...

While on Facebook today, I saw a picture posted by one of my friends.

I probably will never spit my gum out of the car window again...

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