Friday, June 15, 2012


I miss Scotland. Last night Aaron and I brought up some highlights of our trip and it has made me miss it more than ever. Going to Scotland was a dream come true.  It was more beautiful than anything I have ever experienced.  I'm hoping someday I will be able to return; I better start saving now!  I feel blessed that I was able to go and experience it with my best friend.  I will hold onto the memories forever. I'd write more, but it's hard to put into words how amazing it was.

So, I'm getting my money's worth out of my new glasses. They've already scored me a date! Seriously, this guy that I know only through my brother sent me a message on facebook and complimented me and my new glasses and then asked me if I would like to go to dinner with him sometime.  Sure, why not? I haven't been on a date in a long time! This will be interesting because I don't really know anything about him! I only know that he's my brother's friend. My brother told me that he is really nice, so I guess that's a start. :) I'll keep you posted.

Today is going to be a long day. I have to waitress at Todds from 4-11 and then walk for the Relay for Life 12-4. I'm going to be exhausted.  Aaron and Nate are walking with me.   Jeanne Godden asked us if we could walk on her team, Amie's Angels, because they needed someone to cover the late night shift.   We agreed. It should be a blast. LOL! Let's hope I don't keel over and die.

Well, that's all for today. Oh yeah, we got to level 19 last night on Black Ops.  Woot!! :)  We're amazing!


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