Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Break Day #2

This beautiful flower cover is Clematis, Jackmani purple. I have two large covers in my backyard growing on my fence. It's gorgeous, but only around for a short period of time. I'm glad I took a picture of it this year. I didn't wake up quite as early today, but I was still up before I usually make it out of bed for school. It's amazing how refreshed I feel even waking up earlier than I normally do. I love teaching, but I'm thankful to get a break. I actually have to go back to school today to finish packing up my room. I tried to push it out of my mind, but it has to be done and then I can stop worrying about it. I'm such a worry-wart. I went fishing yesterday with my brother. We planned to go to Deer Creek, but his big motor wasn't running properly, so we had to go to Madison Lake instead. I didn't really care where we went. I enjoy being on the boat and attempting to catch my dinner. Didn't catch anything, but I enjoyed the weather and sights. See what I mean? Beautiful! I could live on the water and be a happy camper. Maybe someday...when I win the lottery or marry a rich man. LOL! Well, I better get off here and get ready to work in my classroom. Hopefully, I can finish before lunch. This weather is too nice to be imprisoned in a school building. ~Wendy

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